10 Tips to “Fall” into Autumn

1026315546Autumn is upon us. The changing of the seasons is a great time to take inventory and make some minor adjustments that can keep you healthy,  happy and productive as you transition into the winter season!
1. With the start of the new season, what are some goals established at the beginning of the year that you haven’t quite achieved? Revisit at least one of them, and set some measurable and realistic steps towards accomplishment of an outcome that really matters to you.

2. Instead of spending all of your free time watching TV or surfing the Internet, deepen your relationships with family, friends, and yourself.

3. Start a new exercise program that will carry you through winter’s cold, yet invigorating months. The weather is perfect for outdoor activities!

4. Look to autumn’s abundant harvest to nourish yourself and your family. Apples, squash, peppers, tomatoes, and beans will energize you this season.

5. Stay toned with yoga or other flexibility-enhancing movements during the cooler weather.

6. Nutritional supplements—including vitamins C and E—are very useful this time of year, helping you avoid “what’s going around.” Selenium and zinc also support healthy immunity.

7. Fall is a good time to detoxify the body. Avoiding sugar, wheat, and dairy for a few weeks can help you feel more energetic and youthful.

8. In Chinese medicine, the lungs are a focus of the fall season. Over-working yourself can lead to congestion and toxicity, possibly resulting in upper respiratory infections. Try a facial steam to help clear sinuses. Deep breathing exercises will also help keep lungs clear.

9. If you do get sick, try taking hourly doses of vitamin C. Drink ample amounts of pure water, herbal teas, and hot soups. A popular herbal remedy is to eat/chew several cloves of fresh garlic at the first signs of a cold. Peel the cloves first, dip them in honey, and chew several times daily for a few days. Another option is to squeeze a few cloves into a hot bowl of soup.

10. Rest now before the demands of the holidays arrive. Shifting and balancing with the seasons is vital to staying healthy.