FCC May Blog Event Planning Strategies

The difference between a good event and a great event can be determined by how it is promoted to its attendees. We’ve crafted marketing strategies that if implemented, are sure to put your event on the path to greatness.

1. Social Media:

Social media is an inexpensive tool that can help get the word out about your event. It allows you to monitor audience engagement and offers almost immediate feedback about the attendees interests strengths and weaknesses in your campaign. Here’s a tip; “Be selective about which social media platform you use”. Market your event using platforms that speak widely to your audience.

2. Inbounding marketing:

According to HubSpot, inbound marketing focuses on attracting clients through relevant interactive content. Create online articles about your upcoming event. Potential attendees can then learn more about your event via blogs and search engines. Remember, articles and blog posts that are constantly updated with highly optimized search engine settings, have a higher probability of appearing at the top of searches.

3. Call to Actions: 

Call to actions are designed to inspire audiences to take an immediate response. Whether on your blog or social media pages, they are an easy way to drive interest in your event and interact with potential attendees. Personalizing calls to actions based on your goals or your audience’s needs, can often times result in a higher return on your investment.

4. Timing: 

Audiences have short attention spans and need information immediately. Timing is everything. Posting on social media and launching campaigns must be done strategically. Analytics and reporting will alert you to the best time to post on social media.

5. Consistent Messaging: 

Ensure that your messaging across all platforms is consistent. The key to the success of any marketing strategy is consistency. When potential attendees search or find information about your event, messaging, and imagery should be the same throughout. It gives your client a clear indication of the message you are putting across.

Applying these strategies will increase traffic, and maintain repeat business. Put them to the test to keep your clients coming back for more and have your attendees lining up for your next gathering.